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A USNA Mother’s Prayer


(Reprinted from The Log) 


To be a Good Naval Academy Mother: 


is to know F E A R—there is so much mystery at USNA 


is to know P R I D E—that one so young will aspire to such a noble calling


is to know U N C E R T A I N T Y—why hasn’t he called? 


is to know G R A T I T U D E—that a sponsor family will take him in and treat him so well 


is to know J O Y—he likes it and is doing so well 


is to know D E S P A I R—he’s on restriction 


is to know F R I E N D S H I P—other USNA families who share your feelings and see you through 


is to know F A I T H—there is someone other than you working in your child’s life 


is to know A G O N Y—his friend was separated 


is to know a T H R I L L—catching a glimpse of him in a parade or march on


is to know P E R S E V E R A N C E—the Dark Ages can’t last forever; send another care package 


is to know S U P P O R T—their Sponsor’s mother, whom you have never met writes regularly 


is to know A N G E R—why does he have watch on the day you can visit? 


is to know P A T R I O T I S M—spend an hour in Memorial Hall and read all the names marked.


A Midshipman’s Mom

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